Emerald community legend honoured

The late Margaret Hall has been awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for her service to the Emerald community.

Margaret (Marg) and her husband Desmond (Des) were drawn to the hills from suburban Melbourne with the purchase of a weekender in Cockatoo in 1980 with a plan to retire there, which they ultimately did in 1991.

They loved the trees, birds and local environment, and soon became part of the Cockatoo and Emerald community.

In 1991 Marg joined the Emerald Uniting Church, becoming part of the choir and commenced writing the church’s monthly bulletin, which she continued for over a decade.

She undertook various tasks with efficiency and enthusiasm, including church readers, flower rosters and stepping in as a backup for the organist.

For the 25 year anniversary of the Emerald Uniting Church, she authored A Church of their Own: 25 Years of the Uniting Church in Emerald.

Marg was a founding member of the Emerald University of the Third Age (U3A), which sought to establish an outlet for members of the local community to continue to learn and share their knowledge and skills.

With Des, Marg ran the Armchair Travel Group, sharing their travel experiences across many decades (they met as working travellers in London and married there in 1960) and opening their home for courses and celebrations.

She was also involved with the Garden Group, which was a great outlet for her passion of all things floral.

Always contributing to the communities in which she lived, Marg brought her positive outlook and bubbling personality to helping others.

Marg passed away in August 2020.