Monbulk schools receive disability funding

Monbulk MP and Minister for Education James Merlino announced the funding for outer east schools. Picture: ON FILE

23 government schools in Monbulk will receive further funding for accessible and inclusive programs for students under disability support reforms.

Monbulk MP and Minister for Education James Merlino announced the funding for the implementation of school practices supporting inclusive education of students with disabilities and diverse learning needs.

“Every Victorian kid deserves the chance to learn and thrive at school, no matter their abilities, which is why we’re boosting funding to make schools more inclusive,” he said.

“The funding is the biggest change in disability support Victorian schools have ever seen, enabling schools in Monbulk to support more students with disability, so that they can get the great education they deserve.”

Funding can be used for initiatives including professional development for faculty, employing new disability and inclusion staff, and purchasing programs, equipment or technology.

The schools receiving the funding are in the second year of a five-year rollout of the disability inclusion package, a $1.6 billion investment in the 2020/21 Victorian budget for children living with disabilities. The package will be progressively rolled out, with all government schools receiving funding by 2025.

The 23 schools in Monbulk received funding totalling $2.5 million, with 119 outer east Melbourne schools receiving funding of over $14.8 million.