Monbulk College Dux earns $5,000 scholarship

By Tyler Wright

Monbulk College’s 2022 Dux, Owen Vandegraaff, has been awarded the $5,000 Melbourne Principals’ Scholarship to go towards setting up his living and studying space as he prepares for the next step beyond high school.

Owen received an ATAR of 97.8, is going to study mathematics and statistics, despite faring particularly well in science subjects.

“I made sure to pay attention in class, do the classwork, make sure I was up to date with all my homework, and I think that consistency is really key there; If you just do all the work, and you don’t procrastinate while doing it, it becomes a lot easier to get a good result that you’re happy with,” Owen said.

Owen’s aim is to get a job in mathematical finance, which will require roughly five or six years of study.

“It requires a Master’s degree and a Bachelor’s… a Bachelor of maths and statistics and a Master’s with the same focus,” Owen said.

Owen studies Math Methods, Specialist Mathematics Engineering Systems in Year 11, Physics and Chemistry.

“I’ve put in a consistent effort throughout the years. I think that really helped me in my final this year,” he said.

“It’s really good just to have a consistent effort because it spreads that work out rather than cramming in the final year, so I think that helped me maintain a fairly balanced year.”

Owen recommends students take a Year 11 subject in Year 10 and a Year 12 subject in Year 11.

I would highly recommend it because it gives you a taste of what VCE’s like,” he said.

“I think that almost all students should think about fast tracking.”

Owen received a study score of 42 in English, 42 in Physics, 47 in Systems Engineering and 37 in Chemistry.