Cardinia Shire Council is hosting a range of fun, free activities during the April school holidays.
Emerald Lake Precinct Easter Egg Giveaway
On Easter Sunday, 9 April, from 11am until stock runs out, free chocolate Easter eggs will be given away to customers visiting the following facilities:
Emerald Museum
Emerald Lake Park Café
Model Railway
Lakeside Paddleboats.
For more information about Emerald Lake Precinct, visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/emeraldlakepark
Council has partnered with the YMCA to deliver its first BMX event.
Date: Wednesday 12 April
Time: 12pm – 2pm
Location: Alma Treloar Reserve, Cockatoo
For more information about the great skate, BMX and scooter facilities in the shire, visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/skatebmx or call the Active and Connected team on 1300 787 624.
Footy Fun Day
AFL is back! Come along dressed in your team’s colours for a session of free and fun activities run by coaches from AFL South East.
If footy isn’t your thing, the Aligned Leisure Street Team will be there. The Jeep is fully equipped and boasts an awesome range of sports equipment.
Remember to bring hats, sunscreen, coats, and appropriate footwear.
Date: Thursday 13 April
Time: 1pm – 2.30pm
Location: James Bathe Reserve, Officer
Aligned Leisure Street Team
Cardinia Leisure is delivered by Aligned Leisure in partnership with Cardinia Shire Council.
The Aligned Leisure Street Team aims to take the Cardinia Leisure programs and services out to the wider community. The Street Team have a Jeep that is fully equipped with a variety of health and wellness pieces, including sporting and fitness equipment and games.
Date: Thursday 13 April
Time: 1pm – 2.30pm
Location: James Bathe Reserve, Multi Use Games Area, Officer
For more information email parks@cardinia.vic.gov.au
Exercise Class in the Park
Aligned Leisure will bring fitness to the park in Active April. If you have ever wondered how to use the exercise equipment in parks, this is your chance to learn how to benefit from this free space with the expertise of a personal trainer.
A trainer will walk you through the correct process and use of equipment and run a short class afterwards. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Date: Tuesday 18 April
Time: 11.00 – 12.30pm
Location: Eastone Reserve – Cardinia Lakes Estate, Pakenham
Aligned Leisure’s Street Team will be within the vicinity of the exercise equipment so if the kids don’t wish to use the exercise equipment, they can have some fun with the games and sports equipment from the Street Team Jeep.