Gembrook marches for veterans on Anzac Day

The procession on Anzac Day down the Avenue of Honour in Gembrook. Photos: SUPPLIED

On Tuesday 25 April, the Gembrook community came together to honour the memory of the fallen soldiers who served their country with bravery and distinction.

The morning started with a march along the Gembrook Avenue of Honour to the cenotaph.

The march was a stirring reminder of the Anzacs’s courage and a tribute to their unwavering commitment to Australia.

The service commenced with community members, local community groups and education institutions gathering at the cenotaph to pay their respects to the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for their country.

Wreaths were laid at the foot of the cenotaph.

The service included a minute of silence to honour the fallen, the lowering of the flag to half-mast and the playing of the Last Post and Reveille.

The service was a fitting tribute to the fallen soldiers and a reminder of the importance of honouring their memory.

Veterans also had the opportunity to share with the crowd their thoughts, memories and experiences.

As the ceremony drew to a close, attendees lingered at the cenotaph taking the time to reflect and pay their respects.

Speaking after the service, Gembrook RSL vice president Greg Scott indicated that he was thrilled with the estimated 250 people at the Dawn Service and over 150 at the 11am service. Support like this is certainly reassurance that the Anzac spirit lives on.