Cardinia Shire Council is seeking feedback on imagery to be included on the exterior façade of new public toilets at Alma Treloar Reserve in Cockatoo.
The council plans to build new amenities that will include automated toilets with two gender-neutral accessible cubicles next to the Scout Hall at Alma Treloar Reserve.
The community indicated that the preferred façade is a film overlay featuring a heritage photo.
Four photos will be used for each side of the toilet. The photograph with the most votes will be selected for the front of the new toilet. The second and third most voted images will be applied to the sides and fourth most voted to the back of the toilet.
Community members are now invited to provide their feedback on options for the heritage photos.
You can view the proposed photos and vote for your favourite on council’s online community engagement platform.
Feedback closes 5pm Monday 29 May 2023.
The new public toilets will be delivered by council and funded by the Victorian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
Council is currently considering the outcome of the existing public amenities and will endeavour to keep the community updated through this process.
For more information visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay