By Tyler Wright and Tanya Steele
A retail store on Monbulk’s Main Road has been “totally gutted” after a fire broke out in the early hours of Wednesday 28 June.
A CFA spokesperson told the Star Mail 10 CFA units including Bayswater, Sassafras, Belgrave, Emerald, Monbulk, Yellingbo and Kallista attended the fire at Monbulk Fish ‘n’ Chips at around 5.05am.
The fire is believed to be caused from an electrical fault, the CFA spokesperson confirmed.
Wendy Bissels, owner of the neighbouring Thriftopia store, said firefighters had to bust through her store to reach the fire.
“I got a phone call this morning from the local police saying that the fire brigade had to break into our shop for access to assess damage due to a fire,” Ms Bissels said.
“I thought it was a bit of a hoax at first to be honest, and then I spoke to them and the fish and chip shop had caught on fire… totally gutted.”
Ms Bissels said smoke damage to the store has meant clothes will either have to be thrown out or washed and dried.
“We’ve only been open for 10 months and every week it’s getting busier and busier…especially during school holidays, we’re finding people that aren’t locals are coming up to the hills, and of course now we’re not going to be trading for a week or two,” she said.
A CFA spokesperson said relevant power and gas companies were called to the scene.
“Local council was notified of event to allocate a structural engineer and health inspector to attend the scene,” the spokesperson said.
“A fire investigation unit was requested and visited the scene.”
According to the spokesperson, the incident was under control at 5.55am, and the fire was deemed safe at 6.52am.
“Crews remained on scene to fully extinguish fire and overhaul,” the CFA spokesperson said.
Breathing apparatus crews were required to assist and Victoria Police were also notified and called to the scene.
A Victoria Police spokesperson said no one was inside the shop at the time and there are no reported injuries.
“The fire is not being treated as suspicious,” the spokesperson said.