Cardinia Shire Council has invited the community to have their say on the upgrade of the Pepi’s Land BMX Track.
Feedback is open now until Monday 31 July 2023.
Community input will help to inform the initial concept design, which will include an upgrade of the BMX Track.
The initial concept design will be presented to the community for additional feedback before the design is finalised and construction commences.
Cardinia Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Tammy Radford, encourages community members to give their feedback.
“We want to hear from community members how you currently use the BMX Track, what you like about it and what you would like to see as part of the upgrade,” Councillor Radford said.
The Pepi’s Land BMX Track upgrade aims to increase the use and enjoyment of this facility for the community.
“We know our community values Cardinia’s open spaces and parks. The upgrade of Pepi’s Land BMX Track supports the wellbeing of our community, visitors to the BMX track, and the groups and sporting clubs who use the Pepi’s Land reserve and facilities,” Councillor Radford said.
“We’re committed to listening to our community and working together to make our shire an even better place to live, work and play.”
Community members can provide input and feedback in several ways:
Have Your Say online: www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay
In person at the Civic Centre: 20 Siding Avenue, Officer
By email: mail@cardinia.vic.gov.au (subject: Pepi’s Land BMX Track Upgrade)
By post: PO Box 7, Pakenham VIC 3810
Drop-in Session: Thursday 20 July, 3.30–5pm, Multipurpose room 3, Hills Hub Emerald
For more information visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay