Residents across the Dandenong Ranges are being urged to attend a forum in Olinda next week to discuss best ways to communicate and share information when faced with natural disasters.
The Ranges Trader Star Mail has partnered with Deakin University academics and Natural Hazards Research Australia to encourage residents to share their experiences on how best to improve communication before, during and after crises such as the devastating storms that hit our region in 2021.
The initiative – called Storm Talk – will culminate in a community townhall-style event for residents on Saturday 11 November at the Olinda Community House to bring people together to share and learn from their experiences.
There is hope other communities from across Australia can also benefit from the insights that Dandenong Ranges residents can offer, with researchers hoping to understand both the challenges as well as the novel approaches that can be adopted to keep people connected.
Newspaper editor Mikayla van Loon said now was the time to bring people together to talk about disaster management rather than during an emergency, especially given weather forecasts predicted a hot summer ahead.
She urged the community to come together and also consider ways to ensure those at greatest risk had the information they needed to stay safe.
“The storms of 2021 have created some lasting scars for many in the community but talking about how best to keep communication going, for example especially when power lines are out and we lose internet, is just so vital,” she said.
“We really see it as our [newspaper’s] role to help the community have this conversation because we are stronger when we pull together, share ideas and openly talk what went wrong and what went right.”
Deakin researchers are also encouraging locals to complete a short survey to share their thoughts on communication needs during disaster. To complete the digital survey, click on the QR code on this page.
Registration for the town hall event is essential. To attend please RSVP by Friday 3 November to Dr Gabi Mocatta gabi.mocatta@deakin.edu.au. A free afternoon tea will be provided.