By Tyler Wright
An Australian knitting group has played its part in sending a warm outfits to those who need it.
Tecoma local, Jen O’Brien, from the Australian Crafters’ Aid Network (ACAN), spoke to the Star Mail as she was preparing to help send items to Ukrainian refugees in Poland.
“We were formed in 2019; we consist of knitters all over Australia and a few overseas, America primarily,” Jen said.
“We knit woollen clothes and we knit toys for children in distress, primarily refugees or people in exile or people that are suffering from the results of flooding, etc.
“Over the years we’ve sent shipments to Pakistan to remote areas that were affected by the flooding, we’ve sent shipments directly into Ukraine to orphanages, we’ve sent to Ukrainians in exile in Poland including over 500 knitted bears; part of a larger campaign run by Ryman Healthcare.”
Melbourne-based members of the group met on Saturday 25 November at Belgrave Library, alongside two Adelaide members, to pack goods for the most recent campaign in which the group has partnered with the Australian Lions Club.
Last month’s packing session saw 290 packs from ACAN members sent with the shipment – including a jumper, hat, mittens, socks and a toys matching up colours and sizes in each set.
“We get people to send in their knits from all over Australia and a few from America and we combine them into little sets,” Jen said.
“These are all pure wool or wool blend garments, beautifully knitted garments.
“ACAN operates out of a website which caters to knitters worldwide, there’s over eight million members all over the world and it’s called ravelry.com…that might be me posting a jumper, somebody from Queensland might post a pair of mittens, and we see the pictures come together; It’s really creative and really rewarding.”
Jen said the group has also partnered up with Tecoma Primary School, with students creating a handmade postcards for the packs sent overseas sending greetings from Australia with drawings of surfboards and koalas among other symbols.
“We’ve had feedback in the past that sometimes the mums value the cards even more than the clothes because it shows somebody cares,” she said.
For Jen, the work ACAN has done not only impacts the recipients but the “many people in Australia” that hear what the group is doing.
“We just love what we’re doing and are uplifted and so proud to be part of it.
“When you’re a part of something greater than yourself, it really gives you a very warm, fuzzy feeling and makes you think that there is plenty of good in humanity to counteract the horrors of war that these children are living through.
“There are a lot of little old ladies out there knitting in solitude; especially during the pandemic, it gave us all something to focus on.”
You can find the Australian Crafters’ Aid Network on Facebook and Instagram.
Those keen on joining a community of knitters and crocheters can visit ravelry.com