By Tyler Wright
Emerald’s Neighbourhood Safer Place, a Bushfire Place of Last Resort, will be relocated from Pepi’s Land to Worrell Reserve later this month after Cardinia Shire councillors voted on the new location in the most recent council meeting.
The carpark and netball court area at Pepi’s Land was declared an alternative safe place in 2018, while oval improvement and upgrade works were carried out at Worrell Reserve.
Councillor Jeff Springfield, who moved the motion, said the move back was upon request from the CFA.
“They think the site is offers better protection and better access, this is our formal endorsement and I’m very happy to support,” he said during the council meeting.
“We are fortunate in the hills because we have one in Emerald, Cockatoo and Gembrook, it is my great hope that we never have to use it.”
Emerald CFA Fire Brigade captain Klaus Brodeck played a part in suggesting the reserve as the official Bushfire Place of Last Resort in the case of a bushfire emergency.
“When the Hills Hub was being built a few years back, the Neighbourhood Safer Place, Bushfire Place of Last Resort was moved to Pepi’s Land and now that the Hills Hub has been assembled and ready to go, it’s all working for the community, [the bushfire place of last resort] was still at Pepi’s land,” Mr Brodeck said.
“Pepi’s Land is not the most ideal place [because it’s in] a grassed area and there’s no protection from radiant heat.
“We know on those bad days, if any ember attacks do hit down towards Cardinia Reservoir, that potentially could go up the hill towards people.”
On the other hand, Mr Brodeck said Worrell Reserve has “better resources,” including reticulated water and more areas of better protection for the community and the ability to hold more people than Pepi’s Land.
“We know in the past that people naturally assemble [at Worrell Reserve] when there’s been weather events and also fires,” he said.
“It’s overall a better space to protect people in that time of emergency.
“The facilities actually aren’t part of the criteria for the place of last resort, but it’s an added bonus because essentially there’ll be no one there, no fire trucks there on the day protecting people; they’ll be out fighting fires.”
Mr Brodeck said it was a “great outcome” for the community after a number of meetings and presentation with the council and relevant parties.
“The main thing is to have a plan and actually have it written down and run over with your family,” he said of high fire danger period days during the bushfire season.
“Be prepared for what could happen; the best advice we can give is to leave early, go down the mountain, go to a shopping centre, go to friends or families down the mountain; it’s the best place to be because you don’t want to be up here when something does break out or could break out.
“We know that the roads can be gridlocked, it can be a horrible time to try and get off the mountain and if you’ve got cars trying to go down the mountain and fire trucks trying to come up it doesn’t quite work out that well; it could be bedlam.”
Cardinia Shire Council has reminded people that Neighbourhood Safer Places are not a substitute for leaving early or staying and defending a property during an emergency.
They provide separation from bushfire hazards if all other fire plans have failed.
Cardinia Shire’s Neighbourhood Safer Places for the 2023-24 Fire Danger Period will include:
Cockatoo Community Centre in Cockatoo,
Gembrook Community Centre in Gembrook and
Worrell Reserve in Emerald
Residents who intended to use Pepi’s Land as a safer place of last resort during a bushfire are encouraged by the council to review their bushfire plan.
For more information, visit cardinia.vic.gov.au/nsp or contact the council’s emergency management team on 1300 787 624.
Further information about Neighbourhood Safer Places can also be found at cfa.vic.gov.au