By Emma Xerri
Those lucky enough to call the Emerald Library their local, will be more than familiar with the many exciting things on offer each day.
The latest quirk to join the library’s long list of offerings is an interactive fire safety model presented by the CFA, hoping to catch the attention of the library’s devout readers just long enough to lift their eyes from their current read and partake in some all-important fire safety.
“One of the guys down at the CFA came up with the idea of creating this model, showing a ‘good’ house and a ‘bad’ house with regards to what you’re supposed to do while living up in the hills during bushfire season,” Emerald Library Program Officer, Tara Thomas, said.
“I’ve seen a lot of people in the library looking at it and interacting with it, so it gets conversations going about what they would do in the case of a fire and how they can make their houses safer.”
The model, which will be hosted by the library for a month, invites visitors to spot the differences between the sides, encouraging more thought and discussion around fire safety in an immersive, child-friendly way.
“It’s been fun for the kids, because they have to try and spot all the differences between them,” Ms Thomas added.
“The CFA have also had to come in and restock all the brochures in there, so I’m assuming people have been taking a lot of stuff, which is great.”
And the exciting CFA model is only one of the many immersive things currently on offer at the library, with the weekly Baby Rhyme Time sessions also continuing to be a hit amongst local parents and carers whose Monday mornings have become centred on song and rhyme.
“It’s nice for new parents who can’t remember all the rhymes they used to sing when they were a kid.
“We do print outs that they can take with them, and talk a bit about the kinds of books they can borrow from the library to read to their children.
“It’s also a nice place for them to meet other new parents in the area. The children are all the same age, and it gives parents someone to chat with that’s in the same newborn bubble as them.”
For more information about the events at Emerald Library, visit the Emerald Library Myli website.