Cardinia Shire residents are set to benefit from AusNet work underway to make the region more energy resilient.
AusNet Executive General Manager Strategy, Regulation and Corporate Affairs, Liz Ryan, said there are several new initiatives being introduced by AusNet that will enable the Cardinia Shire to be more energy resilient during future extreme weather events.
“We are investing in ‘quick-connect’ points in key locations across Emerald and Cockatoo that will enable mobile generators to be more quickly connected during future extended power outages. These quick-connect points will be located near shops and other key community sites to ensure vital services can be energised so that locals can get access to the services they need most during emergency events,” said Ms Ryan.
AusNet has also been working closely with local government and the community to strengthen infrastructure and help ensure they are better prepared to withstand future weather events.
In partnership with the Victorian Government and the Cardinia Shire Council we have recently delivered three energy resilience projects in Emerald, Cockatoo and Gembrook. These systems include solar panels, batteries, and generators to ensure that power is available in the event of a network outage in the area.
“Residents whose homes have lost power will be able to attend these community facilities to charge their devices, access the internet and cook,” said Ms Ryan.
These facilities are located at Worrell Recreation Reserve in Emerald, Gembrook Community Centre and Recreation Reserve in Cockatoo.
Following the catastrophic storms which went through Victoria in February this year that caused significant damage to the network, AusNet announced the establishment of a $10 million Energy Resilience Community Fund. It was established to support communities impacted by storms, with short term efforts focussed on grants and donations to residents and businesses to support local recovery efforts, and in the longer term, helping communities become more energy resilient.
AusNet’s Energy Resilience Community Fund has commenced providing funding and has subsequently been extended to $12 million.
“The Fund has already provided more than half a million dollars in hardship grants and donations to more than one thousand residents and businesses impacted by storm event, as well as to other charities that provide critical support to communities.”
“We know many of our customers are struggling with cost-of-living pressures, so we’ve extended the timeframe to apply for financial hardship grants until 30 June, 2024 to give households and businesses more time to apply,” said Ms Ryan.
AusNet representatives will be available at community sessions taking place in Monbulk, Cockatoo, Emerald and Gembrook this weekend, as part of the Victorian Government’s Network Outage Review. For session locations and times please see power outages (energy.vic.gov.au).
For more information on the hardship grants please visit ausnetservices.com.au/about/community/energy-resilience-community-fund