Scouting for goods

13-year-old April is a master of origami.

By Emma Xerri

Hoping to raise funds for the Australia-wide scout jamboree in January, the scouts of the 1st Belgrave South Scout Group will be holding their very first market.

Running from 10am to 2pm on Sunday 26 May, the market will see 30 exciting stalls from a mix of up and coming scout entrepreneurs and regular local market stall holders, delivering an exciting array of goods from jewellery, to cupcakes and pottery.

“When you’re a scout you only have one opportunity to go to the jamboree, because you’re a scout for about four years,” parent helper Rachael Joy said.

“But it costs $2,700 per scout, so this is an opportunity for the scouts to raise funds.

“We’ve offered all of the scouts a table that they can hire, and then they will keep all the money they earn from their table space.

“A lot of the scouts have never done anything like this before. Some of them couldn’t think of what to do, and needed some guidance, but a lot of them have joined forces to run stalls together.

“We’ve got some doing face painting, terrariums, second hand books, baked goods, crocheted items, pottery, acrylic earrings… a huge range. Some of the scouts are even doing coffee, which I think was quite entrepreneurial of them, and I’m sure they’ll do really well.”

With her own daughter a market regular, Rachael has had the help of her 13-year-old daughter and origami expert, April, in putting together the event.

“My daughter runs her own little business making and selling origami, which she has done since she was seven, and usually attends lots of markets, so this event came from us bouncing ideas off one another,” she added.

And Rachael and April have been hard at work preparing – measuring out the scout hall to see how many tables would fit, working on publicity by making flyers and getting a board erected, and applying for an accessible toilet that will go towards making their event more inclusive.

As for what will set their market apart from others in the area, Rachael believes the magic of their market comes down to the youth.

“We based this idea on the homeschool market, and it’s a beautiful one because it’s giving an opportunity to young people, who have never had this business experience, to earn their own money, especially towards a goal like the jamboree trip.

“We will have lots of different activities running as well, like the scout rope bridge, VR, marshmallow activities, and a few other things to make the day extra fun.

“And for those just wanting to pop by for lunch, we will also be running a BBQ.

“So come down to support the scouts, find some amazing items and have a fun day, because we really believe it will be a lovely community event.”

The 1st Belgrave South Scout Group Market will take place on Sunday 26 May at 28 Station St, Belgrave. Cash is recommended, as many stalls will be cash only.