After the school community in Melbourne’s outer east at Upwey Primary School recently went to national media about the dangerous condition of its oval – EPA has released a statement online.
EPA Victoria announced on 5 June that they has been working with VicTrack and the Victorian School Building Authority on the clean-up of the oval at Upwey Primary School to ensure it is safe for use by students.
In the statement issued online the EPA said that VicTrack has complied with EPA’s requirements and has engaged an appropriately qualified occupational hygienist to assess the site.
“The hygienist has issued an asbestos clearance certificate for the oval, a copy of which has been provided to EPA,” the statement read.
“EPA understands further works are underway at the site and the plan is for the oval to be available for use by students at the commencement of term 3.”
A Star Mail update will follow this story.