Shamsiya Hussainpoor
Wet weather caused several collisions on Tuesday along Monbulk Road.
Residents in The Patch notified Star Mail regarding yet another collision on Monbulk Road, The Patch where they reside.
On Tuesday 9 June, around 3.30pm two vehicles were involved in a collision.
The resident who notified the paper said cars were banking up from Kallista and Monbulk, they called Triple Zero for police control.
On Monday, The Patch residents were waiting at the bottom of their driveway to turn right and saw a car passing their driveway, towards Kallista.
“This car’s back left tyre got caught in the ridge of road surface where the bitumen meets the gravel and tried to twist that car towards centre of road,” the resident said.
“The driver was able to correct and drive out of it, but it could well be one reason why cars are forced across the road.”
Monbulk Police attended the scene and Monbulk CFA and Ambulance Victoria were also notified but neither was required as there were no injuries.
Monbulk Police said the collision could be due to the wet weather.
Both parties involved in the accident exchanged details and their cars were towed away on flat tray trucks.
Later that day, another collision occurred between Perrins Creek Road and Camms Road – just a little bit further down from The Patch.
A sergeant from Monbulk Police Station said around 6.15pm, a vehicle went off to the side of the road, and the driver left the scene before police got there.
The police said the vehicle wasn’t stolen, however, the driver was not the registered owner of the vehicle.
At this stage, Monbulk police officers are making inquiries with the driver.