New kindergarten providers appointed

The changes won't affect families enrolled this year (ON FILE)

Knox Council have appointed new providers to deliver kindergarten in all council buildings where kindergartens are operating now.

Knox Mayor Jude Dwight said securing the new providers is an excellent outcome.

“The five new providers are all specialist, not-for-profit and independent providers of sessional kindergarten as distinct from long day care,” she said.

“All of them are currently licensed to operate kindergartens in Victoria.”

“Families can be reassured of continued quality kindergarten as we have now in Knox.”

This follows council’s decision in August last year not to run stand-alone sessional kindergarten services, other than the two Knox Children and Family Centres, and make its buildings available to other providers from 2025.

“There are big changes coming for kindergarten as part of the state government’s decision to increase hours, make kindergarten free and offer a second year of kindergarten before school,” the Mayor said.

“Council will continue to manage registrations, providing one easy way for families to register their child without having to contact multiple kindergartens.”

“This model brings us more in line with how other councils across Melbourne operate and allows us to focus on our role in planning for all of Knox and supporting services across the municipality, rather than being a direct service provider.”

Details of the new providers for each kindergarten will be made public as soon as leases are finalised.

Families who have registered for kindergarten places in 2025 will be notified directly – this is likely to be in August 2024.

Final confirmation of the new providers is subject to Department of Education approval for each site.

There will be no changes to kindergarten for families enrolled this year.

Proposed groups and session times for 2025 are available on the council’s website.

Final groups and session times will be based on the registrations the council receives.

To find out more, contact Knox Council or visit,