Volunteers honoured at Emerald Lake Park

Left to right: Cr Jeff Springfield, FELP president Sheila Hampson, Cardinia Mayor Jack Kowarzik, FELP members Heather Whitbourn and William (Bill) Whitbourn and Peggy Stonehouse.(TANYA STEELE).

By Shamsiya Hussainpoor and Tanya Steele

Long time volunteers and custodians of the Emerald Lake park have been honoured by Cardinia Shire council in a ceremony to commend their efforts with the Friends of Emerald Lake Park (FELP) community group.

The FELP volunteers have been volunteering in the park for nearly 24 years and gathered on Thursday 8 August to celebrate their long-term contributions to the vibrant community space.

Over speeches and morning tea certificates of appreciation were presented by Cardinia Shire council Mayor Jack Kowarzik to former FELP group president William (Bill) Whitbourn, treasurer Heather Whitbourn and Peggy Stonehouse.

Mayor Kowarzik also surprised President Sheila Hampson with a certificate as well and thanked the four volunteers for for looking after the park for not just his generation but for generations to come.

“Thank you very much, we’ve got a good group of people in this group,” Ms Hampson said.

“I’m very surprised and very honoured,” Ms Stonehouse said.

The event was also attended by Ranges ward councillor Jeff Springfield along with other FELP members and Cardinia council staff Belinda Powell, Sam Cross, Deidre Lovell and Lisa Kuriata.

Ms Hampson said in her speech that member Bill had done a terrific job in helping their group get established, Heather dealt with the group’s money as treasurer and Peggy has worked in the gardens tirelessly.

“It’s time to acknowledge the work they have done,” she said.

“We (FELP) are proud to continue with this work.”

Mayor Kowarzik said he was excited to be there at the gathering.

“These certificates are just a small token of gratitude for your hard work and your dedication to maintaining the park as a cherished space for the community to enjoy,” he said.

“Bill has served as group president and made significant strides in fostering communication cooperation by setting up the website and newsletter, he also helped establish the Emerald Lake Park advisory committee – his contributions have made a lasting impact on the community and of course the park itself.”

“Heather has been a dedicated member since 2001, a position she still holds today. She has been instrumental and made a significant impact on the Emerald Lake Park advisory committee.”

“Peggy Stonehouse has consistently participated in gardening activities and her valuable input and unwavering dedication make her a vital part of FELP and the Emerald Lake Park advisory committee.”

Handing over the surprise fourth certificate Mayor Kowarzik said said Ms Hampson has been President since 2013 and he would like to extend heartfelt gratitude to her for her contributions to the park.

“Under her leadership, the group has flourished with dedicated members gathering for three working bees a month – accumulating around 500 hours of volunteer work annually,” he said.

Ranges ward councilor Jeff Springfield on the day emphasised the importance of having groups like the FELP.

“For nearly 24 years now, this group has been doing commendable work in the maintenance, upkeeping and the progression of this asset, which is unique in all of Cardinia Shire,” he said.

“I don’t know any other community groups within our council that have been successful in doing this continuously for this amount of time – putting this selfless work for the benefit of the whole community, and it’s so worthwhile and necessary because council can’t work in isolation,” he said.

“It’s an absolute honour to commend the members today, I thank everyone for their great work.”

Ms Hampson said the FELP has contributed to the success of keeping the Emerald Lake park green and healthy.

“We’ve planted lots of trees over the years and we’ve been very happy,” Ms Hampson said.

“We started off with a very large group of 40 plus people, which gradually whittled away. In a few of those years, there were only six of us left.”

“We’ve had terrific support, particularly since our natural reserve team came on board, we’ve been able to establish a very good report with the council. We are looking forward to more things happening.”

The group currently has around 20 regular members but are always happy for more to come along.

The Emerald Lake Park vegetation management project has been ongoing since 2010 and FELP has recently been a recipient in the Victorian Landcare grants program which is supported by the Victorian government.

The group received $18,500 to support works to be undertaken in 2025.

Volunteers and married couple Bill and Heather Whitbourn said they love the park.

“It’s our backyard – I used to live in Upwey and this was my swimming hole when I was younger,” Mrs Whitbourn said.

Mr Whitbourn remembers visiting the park in the 1940’s as a child.

“I used to ask my parents to bring me here from Ivanhoe,” he said.

The volunteers all shrugged off their hard work over the years, but highlighted the camaraderie and friendships they’ve developed from being part of FELP.

“It’s very satisfying,” said Mr Whitbourn.

You develop a lot of friendships and that’s been one of the biggest benefits of it all,” said Mrs Whitbourn.

Ms Stonehouse said it can be hard to find consistent members and she herself has enjoyed the group as a way to connect and make lifelong friends in the area.

“I love the group and love the park, I just wish more of the community would dig in a little bit and help in voluntary work whether it’s here or elsewhere,” she said.

The event ended with a celebration over morning tea and then councillors and council staff walked with FELP members to view areas where weed management works and re-vegetation have been undertaken during this year.