CCTV footage can be the difference in police solving a criminal incident and not.
That’s why the Yarra Ranges Neighbourhood Policing is seeking registration from residents and business owners who have CCTV fitted to their property.
By having a database of the CCTV cameras in the Yarra Ranges, police hope this can work towards ascertaining identities and information about suspected crimes or piecing together a timeline faster and more effectively.
As the summer holidays approach, it’s the perfect opportunity to register CCTV with Victoria Police, taking just a couple of minutes to do so.
All that is required is the camera address, business name (if applicable), name of camera owner, contact phone number, email address, CCTV Location/Coverage ie: Cam 1, driveway, facing street north-west and storage time (roughly how long a video stays on the system).
If you have CCTV cameras installed and are willing to assist police when required, please email the above details to YARRARANGES-CPO-OIC@police.vic.gov.au