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A TRIP you won’t forget

Funerals are confronting, road death and injury are confronting, and, in part, the Teenage Road Information Program (TRIP) is confronting. The combined Knox emergency services...

Building fire in Upwey deemed suspicious

A fire in Upwey Main Street at the old Upwey motors site is considered suspicious and is being investigated. On 18 June, an advice warning...

Budget big on education

 In recent weeks we handed down our state budget. It is a budget I am incredibly proud of. It includes funding for a number of initiatives...

Warm hearts help in winter

As winter’s chill begins to bite, spare a thought for those who are doing it tough. Cold days and freezing nights make life difficult for...

A Bright Lot

In 1976, a year after she had finished teaching at a small country school, Upwey writer Greta began to write a memoir recounting her...

Celebrating their first

On Sunday 2 June the 1st Kallista Joey-Scout Mob celebrated its first birthday with a party attended by Joeys, Cubs, and Scouts from 1st...

CFA members stoked about new truck

Macclesfield CFA volunteers are “stoked” after taking delivery of a brand new fire truck last week. The new 2000 litre fire truck replaces an appliance...

Charges over hardware swindle

A 38-year-old Mooroolbark man will answer burglary and theft charges over an incident in Lilydale in May. Yarra Ranges CIU detectives appealed for public help...

Arrest over Monbulk burglaries

 Police arrested and charged a man from The Patch over a series of burglaries in the Monbulk area. Sergeant Mark Smithwick from the Yarra Ranges...

Wandering trad days numbered

 Friends groups along Ferny Creek in Upwey are taking on the invasive weed wandering trad. The CSIRO recently released a fungal biological agent to control...

Q&A with RAPA director Rainsford Towner

What is something people don’t know about you? I never sleep, I just pretend I do, then I complain to people that I’m not getting...

More than toys

Toys hand-made in Mount Evelyn are bringing joy to disadvantaged kids in East Timor. Morrison Men’s Shed member Jim Brown has been spearheading the project...


Tree removal underway to quell pest insect at reservoir

The removal of thousands of pine trees at Cardinia Reservoir is underway to prevent the ongoing spread of a parasitic pest insect. Giant pine scale...