Home News Page 476


Lodge break-in

Belgrave police are investigating a burglary at the Belgrave Masonic centre. Sergeant Paul Phillips said thieves broke into the Brae Dale Lodge between 4am and...

Car thieves strike classic

 Thieves stole a car worth $70,000 from a Gembrook motor show. Emerald Police said the orange 1967 Camaro was parked outside the Gembrook Recreation Reserve...

Car show donation

 Last year’s Monbulk Car Show raised $10,000 for the local community. Organisers presented 70 per cent of the funds to the Monbulk Fire Brigade. “I would...

No love for further duplication

 The State Government passed calls for roads funding in Coldstream back to its federal counterparts. Casey MP Tony Smith on 7 February announced $20 million...

Aid floods in

Generous benefactors are helping a devastated Menzies Creek family to get back on their feet after fire destroyed their home. Friend Tyla Smith started a...

Dig in for flower fest

 The Diggers Club’s celebration of flowers at the Cloudehill Gardens in Olinda is back. The Cloudehill Festival of Flowers will run on Saturday 2 and...

Fireballs and frantic scenes

The late Bill Snowball used an old typewriter to put down this personal recollection of the Ash Wednesday bushfires hitting Cockatoo. His niece Helen Wood...

Family escapes burning house

A family of four had a lucky escape from their burning Menzies Creek home. Police and emergency services were called to the Menzies Road address...

Solar subsidy offer

The Dandenong Ranges Renewable Energy Association is offering to chip in for an Emerald solar system. DRREA will pay a business or community group one...

Supporting the front line

Cockatoo RSL is doing its bit for Whiskey’s Wish. It’s one of the stops on the third annual Shepherds Australia PTSD Baton Ride, which will...

Fatal crash in Sassafras

 A man died in hospital following a collision between a motorcycle and a car in Sassafras. It’s believed the motorcycle and car collided at the...

Meet Wray Crescent’s namesakes

One of the pleasures of local history is the occasional unexpected contact from families of former Mount Evelyn residents. Recently we received information about Hugh...


Council calls for $100 million owed to hills

Cardinia Shire Council remains committed to sealing roads through the hills with Mayor Kowarzik saying the Federal Government should “finish” what was started. Last week...