Stun guns doing rounds

ALMOST 600 stun guns will be rolled out in a bid to improve community safety with one spark at a time.
The $13.5 million investment will seek two day training for all officers receiving one of the 680 non-lethal tasers.
The announcement was made at Lilydale police station last Wednesday, with most 24 hour stations across regional Victoria set to receive these guns.
The tasers will be used in dangerous situations where Victorian Police cannot access back-up police officers quick enough to relieve an issue.
Minister for Police and Emergency Services Kim Wells said the location of the announcement was chosen to coincide with the Jaws of Life program held in Lilydale early last Wednesday.
Mr Wells said tasers were a safer option for not only police, but also the community.
“We believe that the tasers should be at the stations, on patrol or highway patrol ready in case there is a dangerous situation,” Mr Wells said.
“Police are often called to respond to violent and dangerous situations involving people who are affected by drugs and alcohol, or who are otherwise at risk of causing harm to police, the community and themselves,
“There will be cases where police will have to pull out a firearm; however police need to be able to have the option to do so.” Mr Wells said.
The project is set to unravel over the next few years before the 29 allocated police stations receive their full training with tasers.