By Derek Schlennstedt
Eastern Health has confirmed that the Angliss Hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU) will be opening in October 2018.
The announcement comes a month after Monbulk Liberal Candidate, John Schurink, Member for Eastern Victoria, Edward O’Donohue and Shadow Minister for Health, Mary Wooldridge met at the hospital to push the State Labor Government to further fund the ICU service at Angliss Hospital.
They claimed that the facilities were already on offer, though could not be provided due to a lack in staffing.
Member for Monbulk, James Merlino recently hit back at the claims and said they were ‘unfounded.’
Now, Eastern Health has confirmed that the ICU will open in October 2018 and that the unit will have capacity for up to 14 beds.
“The new unit will have capacity for up to 14 beds. This will include a mix of intensive care and high dependency beds. For our local community, the Angliss Hospital Expansion will mean we can treat more patients who have complex needs closer to home,” Site Director at Angliss Hospital, Paul Leyden said.
“We are currently in the commissioning period for the ICU.
“The time period between now and the official opening will provide us with the opportunity to hire and train highly capable critical care staff for the Unit.”
In 2016, the State Labor Government announced a $20 million expansion of Eastern Health’s Angliss Hospital with a confirmed date of completion for 2018.
Eastern Health Executive Director of Clinical Operations Karen Fox said the project’s completion would provide a welcome boost to healthcare in Melbourne’s outer east.
“The Angliss Hospital expansion will deliver significant improvements to our clinical environment,” she said.
“It will play an important role in ensuring Eastern Health can continue to meet the needs of its community.”
Built as part of Angliss Hospital’s comprehensive expansion project, the ICU will be located on a new fourth level at the hospital.
Other works also include an expansion of short stay and paediatric facilities, and a refurbishment of the hospital’s courtyard.
Ms Fox said Eastern Health has been working closely with the Department of Health and Human Services on transitioning the current high dependency service into an intensive care service.
Ms Fox thanked the State Government for helping Eastern Health deliver this important project, as well as staff, patients and the community for their patience while the works were completed.
“We are grateful to everyone for their support in helping us deliver a better hospital,” she said.