Home News Page 427


Turning over a new page after 31 years

A library is only ever as good as the people that work there, so it’s no wonder that the Belgrave Library has become such...

Kids leading the way to transform toilets

Plastered on the walls of the toilets at Monbulk Primary School are the words “there’s no limit to what you can do”. On another door,...

The leading ladies at 1812

 Leading ladies at 1812 theatre is a hilarious take on the movie Some like it hot. According to director Pip Le Blond, Jack and...

Pranks hit Billy’s puff

Puffing Billy has been the butt of many pranksters’ jokes over the years - literally. But, in November 1979 it was anything but funny. As the...

Mount Evelyn Remembrance Day service in pictures

Residents across the Yarra Ranges attended Remembrance Day services on 11 November to commemorate the country's fallen service men and women. Mount Evelyn held a...

The bewitching bonsai tree

It’s not like garden plants are a new thing, but never before have they been so in ‘fashion’. Seriously, plants are now a serious sartorial...

Climbing for mental health

After numerous years battling mental illness, Sarah Phillips has completely turned her life around. And she has exercise to thank. On 17 November the Lilydale local...

We’ve been tracking the escaped Cardinia Reservoir Emu

To the uninitiated, emus are just large flightless birds that run around and lay unnaturally large eggs. But to those of us who remember...

Local firies deployed to NSW

As New South Wales continues to battle an unprecedented start to its bushfire season, brigades throughout the Yarra Ranges are lending a helping hand. Amongst...

Kokoda scholarship program offers students the trek of a life-time

Year 11 students in the Yarra Ranges are being encouraged to study Australia’s wartime conflicts and the influence of local veterans as part of...

Monbulk Road closures

Monbulk Road in the Dandenong Ranges will be closed for five days this week while tree removal works take place. Seven trees along Monbulk Road...

Arts and technology show

The annual Monbulk College Arts and Technology Show will be held on 14 of November, from 5pm to 7pm. The college will be open to...


Tree removal underway to quell pest insect at reservoir

The removal of thousands of pine trees at Cardinia Reservoir is underway to prevent the ongoing spread of a parasitic pest insect. Giant pine scale...