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Kaylee’s horsey tale

An idea for a great story is often drawn from personal experience. That’s exactly the case for Kaylee Ison, whose latest novel stems from...

Monbulk’s Mountain Grand

 Monbulk’s Mountain Grand The Mountain Grand is the well-known 1900s heritage building at the Belgrave end of the Monbulk township. An early owner of the Mountain...

Barn Owl Cafe will stay open, for now.

The Barn Owl Café will stay open, for now. On 22 July, the Mail reported that The Barn Owl cafe in Silvan was facing...

First female driver makes tracks at Puffing Billy

A Puffing Billy volunteer has accomplished her dream of becoming the first female driver on the Puffing Billy Railway. At 10:30am on 31 July, Belinda...

Teacher celebrates fantastic forty

For many, the thought of working in an industry for 40 years seems unreachable. But for high school teacher Jayne Lauder, her years of...

Cold-blooded career opportunity for VCAL student

A lifelong love of animals and a desire to protect them will soon launch a career for Year 12 Mater Christi College VCAL student...

Recycling to go to waste

Yarra Ranges Council is urging residents to continue recycling, after 30 other Victorian councils, including Cardinia Shire, received the news that their recycling processor...

The round-up

Belgrave assault Police are investigating an assault that occurred in Belgrave's main street. It's understood that on 20 July at 1.30pm, two men assaulted another man...

100-year-old celebrates birthday with CFA brigade

It’s not every day you turn 100, so when Muriel Burns turned 100 she knew exactly how to celebrate. The Centenarian originally from Shepparton turned...

Honouring Ray

 Mount Evelyn RSL has paid tribute to Raymond Moore, 50 years after his death. The sub-branch held a service in his honour at the Mount...

Sharing is caring

 Community groups helping vulnerable community members to access food are calling for support. Outer East Foodshare provides donated food to agencies across the Yarra Ranges...

A lifetime of teaching: 55 years in the classroom

Mount Dandenong Primary School has paid homage to John Burgan, after the Victorian Government recognised him for an astonishing 55 years of service to...


Yarra Ranges Council put advocacy items to MAV, ALGA

Yarra Ranges Council have finalised what issues of state and national significance in the shire can be put forward for consideration at the upcoming...

Aged care in crisis